Terms And Conditions
Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions are applicable for every appointment undertaken by The Saddle Fitting Therapist.
1. Saddle Fitting Services: The Saddle Fit services are intended to provide a general assessment of the fit of your saddle to the said horse. The services do not constitute a professional medical diagnosis, prescription, or treatment of your horse's condition. The services are provided solely for informational purposes and should not be considered a substitute for professional veterinary advice.
2. Horses are unpredictable animals: The decision to wear protective equipment (hat, body protector, gloves etc) during the saddle fitting session, remains with the client who accepts full responsibility in the event of an accident or injury.
3. Booking/Cancellation: All appointments must be booked in advance and confirmed by both the client and the saddle fitter. In the event that the client cancels an appointment within 48 hours notice for cancellations. Appointments cancelled without the required notice will be payable in full.
4. Fees and payment: The saddle fitter's fees are based on the call-out, time, and materials required to fit and adjust the saddle. The customer agrees to pay the fees in full on completion of the services. The consultation price includes assessing one saddle on one horse, additional horses and saddles will incur additional charges. Adjustments, alterations, flocking, and repairs will incur extra charges. Travel fees apply for locations outside our 10k. We recommend trying to schedule a group, so the travel fee can be shared/split. Any additional services or products requested by the client will be billed separately. Payment may be made by cash or debit card.
5. New/Custom Made Saddles: A 50% deposit is required for all made-to-measure or custom-made saddles, and your order will not be processed until this is received. The final balance is due on delivery of the saddle, and any balances not paid will result in the loss of your deposit.
6. Alterations: It is recommended that all saddles provided by The Saddle Fitting Therapist new and used continue to be worked on by our fitters into the future. We accept no responsibility for any works undertaken by a third party, which may interfere with our unique signature workflow. Any evidence of work done on a product we have sold that is not on our records will disqualify the client from any product support. If you are experiencing any issues, please contact us first.
7. Pads /Shims and Gullet Bars: The use of Pads and Shims may be necessary, especially in the case of remedial fit, this will be discussed at the time of fitting. You should not add or remove any pads without discussing them with us first, as this can alter the fit of the saddle, this includes gullet bars.
8. Clinical History: Your horse’s clinical history must be fully disclosed, as some conditions can affect saddle fit. On occasion, We will request to contact your vet or physiotherapist to discuss your horse's physical condition before fitting a saddle.
9. Welfare: If your horse appears lame or unwell at the time of the appointment, We will decline to continue with the consultation. The animal's welfare remains the whole responsibility of the owner. All veterinary, farriery, physiotherapy, and other remedial needs are at the owner's full cost and responsibility for any reason.
10. Flocking: New saddles or saddles which have undergone a full re-flock will need time to bed-in, during which time the flocking will settle. A follow-up appointment should be scheduled for 6 weeks, for which a charge will be payable.
11. Saddle Fit Care: Saddle fit must be monitored and maintained, and responsibility remains with the client. It is the client’s responsibility to maintain their saddle and book regular saddle checks as and when necessary. This includes (but is not limited to) when a horse changes workload, diet, and environment, or experiences any lameness or other illness.
Many factors can affect the fit of the saddle, so regular monitoring of the horse’s weight, condition and soundness is essential for optimum long-term fit.
12. Time Keeping: Please ensure you allow 30 minutes on either side of your scheduled appointment to ensure that there is adequate time to address any unforeseen circumstances or complications that may arise during the scheduled Appointment.
13. Liability: The saddle fitter assumes no responsibility for any injury, loss, or damage to your horse, yourself, or your property during the Saddle Fit services. The client is solely responsible for providing a safe and appropriate environment for the saddle fitting assessment to take place.
14. Warranty: Any new products recommended by the saddle fitter may be subject to the warranty provided by the manufacturer. The saddle fitter is not responsible for any defects or issues with the products after they have been purchased by the Client but will work with the client and manufacturer in the case where a product is still within warranty.
15. Refunds and Returns: The saddle fitter does not offer refunds or returns on any product/ services purchased by the client. We work with the client on each booking very closely and only make a sale after the client has inspected the product and is satisfied at the point of purchasing, either as new or used. In the case of our services, a document is signed at the end of each session to agree that the service was satisfactory. In the event of a defect on a new product, please refer to number 14 above. For any used products we sell, please be reminded that these pre-loved items have a history and will show signed of age, use or wear. We make sure to tidy these products up upon testing and are very happy to bring you these discounted items for you to inspect and agree to purchase after our safety check, ridden assessment and saddle fitting booking.
16. The Saddle Fitter: Reserves the right to refuse to fit a saddle to any horse that they do not feel comfortable working with in terms of health and safety, or it is outside the scope of their training and requires another professional (such as a vet to see the horse) or for any other moral or welfare reason.
17. The Assessment: It is requested that the owner should be in the vicinity during the saddle fit for health and safety reasons, as the saddle fitter may need them to hold the horse and for a rider to be present for the horse to be ridden.
18. The Horse: Please ensure your horse is caught in good time and is clean and dry. Please inform us if your horse has any tendency to kick or bite. Make sure they are wearing their usual day-to-day bridle and all other equipment is also ready at hand i.e. saddle, numnah, girth, and any accessories you may use.
19. The Rider: It will be required to see the said horse being ridden on the day so that the saddle fitter can observe the horse's movement and check for any signs of discomfort or tension. If there is a particular reason why the horse cannot be ridden, e.g. not yet backed, please also discuss this with us beforehand. The saddle fitter may also take video footage or photographs to help with their evaluation.
20. The Ridden Assessment: An indoor or outdoor school where we can see the horse ridden would be ideal, but we do realise that this is not always an option. An alternative is a dry-level paddock. If you do not have access to anywhere suitable, please consider hiring a nearby facility where we could possibly meet you.
21. Insurance: It is a requirement that the Saddle fitter has adequate insurance cover before commencing any saddle fitting assessments.
22. We recommend that a horse is re-checked every 6 months, it's important to have regular checks to ensure that the saddle continues to fit well, as the horse's body changes with age, training, or other factors such as muscle wastage. Make sure to keep note of any changes which could interfere with the fit of your saddle. If you notice any issues with the saddle or the horse's comfort or behaviour, it's important to bring this to the attention of the saddle fitter or a qualified equine professional for further evaluation and potential adjustment of the saddle.
By booking an appointment with the saddle fitter, the client acknowledges that they have read and agree to these terms and conditions.