Back pain in ridden horses is very common. Unlike other animals, horses are more susceptible to back pain due to the fact that they are often ridden without the appropriate posture & strength in place to support their rider.

Ways to Prevent Back Pain in Horses?
There are many things we can do as horse professionals and owners to help alleviate back pain for our horses.

Feed on the ground
Core Exercises
Regular Farriery
Proper Saddle Fit
'Long and Low' work
Plenty of Turnout Time
Varied Work & Rest
Maintaining a Healthy Weight
Hill & Pole work
Regular Equine Therapy
Due to the anatomy of the horse & the demand placed upon their body, horses can suffer from acute & chronic pain in their back.
Working a horse regularly, using training aids like the @theequiami can help encourage engagement & build the right muscles to carry a rider more easily
As for ridden work, ensure saddle fit is checked regularly. Be sure to warm up & cool down properly. Starting and finishing with ‘long & low’ work.
These tips are for horses who don’t currently suffer from back pain or another injury. If you wish to avail of a tailored plan for your horse please contact us
Great write up!