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Providing innovative, research-based physical therapy for your horse, with the aim of improving their fitness, mobility, strength and quality of life.

Therapy & Rehabilitation.
Equine therapy is our passion, ensuring that your
four-legged friend is kept in the best condition all year round, whether it be a maintenance massage for leisure or in preparation for your next competition.
We also provide bespoke rehabilitation plans for your horse through therapy, when your horse is returning to work after injury or surgery.
Why not browse the services we have to offer.
Equine Therapy
Following similar principles as human sports massage, like people, animals equally suffer from muscular pain & discomfort which may hinder the way they move, in turn causing them to use their body incorrectly by compensating, this then initiates ridden problems.
Using my hands, I can feel muscle swellings, tightness, spasms, trigger points & uneven muscle tone across your horse’s body. Using a combination of different massage techniques such as trigger point release & myofascial release. We can work to alleviate areas that are causing your horse discomfort or even preventing them from performing at their best!

Benefits of Equine Massage Therapy
Therapy can be used to help acute & chronic musculoskeletal problems, maintain fitness, prevent injury, maintain soundness in the older horse, achieve skeletal symmetry in growing horses, enhance performance ability of sport horses & even aid recovery after a fall or trauma.
Oxygenates the body
Removes cellular waste
Speeds cellular metabolism
Circulates lymphatic system (immune response)
Can lead to enhanced performance and shorter recovery time
Relaxes tight muscles
Helpful for increasing range of motion and joint mobility
Reduces buildup of scar tissue
Relieve discomfort caused by inflammation
Helps with depression, fear, separation anxiety, trauma, grieving, shyness, and aggression
Promotes comfort, love, bonding , trust, happiness, and confidence
Equine Physical Therapy
"Your horse is an athlete, a soulmate, a best friend, and they deserve the very best.
Look after your horse and they will look after you always”
- Hannah

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